Thursday, 7 July 2011

Thankful Thursday

I know I have missed a couple of weeks of Thankful Thursdays.  There have been a number of reasons, but mostly I just needed to try and find myself again after the last month.

We went to the dentist last week, and it made me realise that there are a couple of things that infertility has given me for the positive:

  1. I don't have to take contraception.  I am rubbish at taking pills at the same time every day (I had to set an alarm on my mobile when taking my IVF drugs).  And having a latex allergy, barrier methods are just too expensive.  Obviously, trying to conceive makes this point mute, but for the future, here's a thanks to infertility.
  2. I can always answer with a definite answer when asked if I am pregnant.  At the dentist, I had to have an X-ray.  With this comes the inevitable question: 'Is there any chance you could be pregnant?'.  In the past, when we first started to TTC, I remember being asked this and not knowing quite what to say (this was when I had hope that a baby would be easily conceived in the old traditional way).  I remember feeling uncertain about what to say 'Well, erm, we are trying, and my period is due this week, so erm...'  Now, there is always the certainty of 'Yes' or 'No'.
Has infertility given you anything positive?

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