Thursday, 28 July 2011

Staying thankful?

Another Thursday, and another day for saying thanks for something...

This week I have been mostly keeping to myself, so I am thankful for caller ID on my phone - makes avoiding people easier (especially my sister).

I'm also thankful for Facebook allowing me to stalk my sister without her knowing how much she is eating away at me.

I still haven't brought myself round to the idea of speaking to her.  What do I say?


  1. 'Congratulations' - this would be a down-right lie.
  2. 'What are you doing?' - closer to what I want to say, but she would not take this well.  Plus, not overly supportive.
  3. 'Do you know what you are letting yourself in for?' - again, close to what I want to say especially because she is constantly moaning on Facebook about feeling poorly (which I assume is morning sickness) and tired.  This was topped off by the post this morning complaining that her new puppy had kept her awake all night.  SERIOUSLY?????
  4. 'How are you going to afford a baby?' - my sister is the type of person that signs up to a top price contract to get an iPhone4 but then can't pay the bill.
  5. 'Are you sure you can commit to a baby?' - since leaving school at 16 (2 years ago) she has started 2 or 3 college courses and had 5-7 jobs, all of which she has given up very quickly.  Her excuses range from it being boring, to needing her to get up early everyday and she is a night owl.  Maybe someone should tell her babies aren't bothered whether you're a morning lark or not, they need feeding day and night.
  6. 'How could you do this to me?' - unreasonable because I know that she didn't do this on purpose to get at me.  She perhaps did get pregnant on purpose to ensure that she didn't have to get another job (see point 5 above)
  7. Ignore her - ok, this is not saying anything to her and is my current plan.  For now I think that this is best for me and her.
If anyone has other ideas of how to break the ice, please share... I have thought about writing to her, but the same point still applies - where do I start?


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