Thursday, 9 June 2011

Being thankful this Thursday

Ok, if I'm honest, I really don't feel like doing this today.  But I have lapsed recently with blogging my Thankful Thursday thoughts.

So over the last 5 days (oh my God, has it really been that long since this nightmare began?) my husband, my little boy, my Mum and my MIL have been beyond wonderful.

My husband has let me cry on his shoulder every time I have needed to, despite the inevitable pain it has caused him (and the unpleasant wetness).  He has allowed himself to cry.  We have shared our grief and sorrow.  I know that together we will come through this, but whilst we do, he will continue to be more than I could ever ask for.

My little DJ just knows when his Mummy needs a cuddle.  He is gentle and thoughtful.  His innocence and love is such a blessing.

My Mum has texted me constantly since I got home from hospital.  She may not always say the right thing, but knowing she is there and cares for me and my family right now is more than enough.

My MIL, who often struggles to know what to say, has been my 'doer'.  Running errands that I can't face at the moment.  Without her, we would have no food or clean clothes.  I cannot express how thankful I am to her for doing this for us.

Of course, again, the support and love from you all who have taken the time to read and/or comment on my blog, or who have Tweeted wonderful messages, has been more than I could ask for.  I genuinely feel your love, thoughts and prayers.  There are too many people to thank individually, and if I am honest, I start to cry when I try.  But I hope that you all know that just taking a few minutes out of your day for me means such a lot - thank you.



  1. I'm sorry for your hurt. I'm also going through a m/c at the mo - am 8w5d today, and I learned on Sat that my bean's heart had stopped, and have been bleeding since. It's my 10th m/c, and I also have a son.
    I'll contribute to Thankful Thursday:
    I'm thankful for my wonderful family, and for the support I get from the infertility community (great listeners!).
    I'm thankful that we are not alone in this grief.
    I'm grateful for the ability to temporarily sit in denial (I haven't m/c'd yet, and I'm ignoring the reality), as it means I have a couple more days to be pregnant and to get things done before I have to face my grief one more time head on.
    I'm also grateful for the medical advances that gave me my son in the first place!
    Lastly I'm grateful that I know that when I want to, I will feel better.

  2. Janet, thank you for your beautiful comment. I wish all the strength to get through this pain. I hold you in my thoughts.

    Big hugs to you and your little boy xx
