Thursday, 21 April 2011


The beginning of this week hit me hard.  I know there are plenty of hormones rushing around inside me at the moment, and they definitely not helping, but on Monday I genuinely felt flooded by the everything.  It started with hubby not being very well, and then I realised I was supposed to be 200 miles north presenting my project to a conference!  I knew it was this week, but for some reason I thought it was towards the end of the week.  I had the presentation done but there was no one to look after little one while I was gone for at least one night.  On top of this, hubby was really low, I was tired and uni work was piling up.

Thankfully my wonderful MIL came to the rescue once again, and DJ had a wonderful couple of days with his grandparents.

The conference went well, though I am so pleased to be home.  I can't say I'm coping better, but I think that the complete crying meltdown of Monday helped to get it out of my system.  I think I needed to break-down and start again.  Though with the IVF drugs I seem to have settled on a low.  All strong buildings have deep foundations right?

One incident from the conference though - my injection time is 9pm.  Usually not a problem, DJ is tucked up in bed and I'm chilled, but on Tuesday night I was attending the conference dinner.  I had planned ahead, injection in my bag, so I quick visit to the ladies was made.

I loaded up the injection, jabbed myself, and left the cubicle to freshen up.  When I went into the ladies, there were a couple of other people there, but I headed to the end cubicle normally.  When I was washing my hands though, I had a member of staff come in and ask me if I was ok.  She then left after looking me up and down.  Seriously, did the other women think I was taking some illegal substance?  I've never felt so self-conscious returning to the table, worrying that someone I was walking past thought I was 'high'.  If only she knew what these drugs do to you, there is no high!!!

1 comment:

  1. I remember having to do my injection at college one night and leave the needle etc in the bin in the toilets. All I could think of was the cleaners thinking someone had been injecting drugs in the loo!! X @ivfdiary
