Saturday, 11 December 2010

Just a quick post - I'm officially OLD :0(

I'm just taking a 5 minute break from essay writing (I seem to have been doing the same thing for as long as I can remember) to share with you details of my last visit to the bathroom.  Hahaha, now before you start thinking this is going to be too much information for a Saturday morning, it is nothing like you think!

I have just found a grey hair!!!!

I know I turned 30 a couple of weeks ago, I know that this is nothing of major significance to my hubby who merely laughed and said 'wait until you have this many', but to me, it's a big deal.

The worse thing was that it was right at the front.  I daren't look further, should I?  Should I know what I am looking forward to over the coming weeks and months?  I don't dye my hair, should I start?  How do they suddenly appear?  Honestly, how could I have not seen this before?

All these questions over such a small thing.

For now, BYE!

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