Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Pet peeve about pregnant fertiles

As most infertile women do, even before they have even had a BFP, they are fully aware of what pregnancy is supposed to be like.  We know all the milestones, all the early signs and all the feelings we should and shouldn't have.  We are a pregnancy dictionary in walking, talking form.  An expert by proxy.

I have been fortunate to be blessed with my little boy, DJ.  And I remember all the feelings that I had, wanted to have and didn't want to have throughout the whole IVF cycle and after my positive pregnancy test.

Without wanting to preach to the converted, but we all know that the heartbeat of your little growing embryo doesn't really emerge until around week 6.  At that moment, the embryo is precisely that - an embryo.  So this leads me to the peeve that I want to share with you all today.

Not only have I had to sit and listen to the tales of unexpected pregnancies or of 'only being trying for a month', but they then tell me they can FEEL their baby moving at 6 or 7 weeks!!!  One of my friends even said that during a recent concert she had been to (I think that it was a Queen tribute band) that she had felt her baby dancing!

I have actually heard this a few times.  I used to sit and nod, thinking that they just had wind!  But now, I tell them they just have wind.  I look at my framed scan pic of my little embryo taken at 7 weeks and 2 days and remember the magic of seeing that little delicate heartbeat flicker inside of me.  The life that was growing, yet being so small (hahaha, he didn't stay that way though!).  I know my friends are excited.  I sometimes feel bad for taking that away from them.  But I suppose that it's the final straw after they have regaled me with the details of their conception and how easy it was!

There are other things that annoy me, but for now this just had to be shared.  Do you have any similar stories?


  1. Oh the numbers of stories I have on fertiles! lol Thank you for sharing!! Hearing your witness makes me feel better!;)

  2. I have more, but I might try and save those for another day. I think it's important to know we aren't alone sometimes with our frustrations and peeves about others :)

  3. Oh definitely! I've also had friends that have come to me saying that they've been trying for ages and it turns out they've only been trying for a few months, but are concerned because they know someone who got preggers after having unprotected sex just once. Very annoying!

    It's great that we can moan on here about it so we don't take it out on our friends!! ;-)
