Sunday, 12 September 2010

Just a day...

Well, as Saturdays go, yesterday was hugely uneventful.  In fact most of my days are that way at the moment.  I did manage to get loads of things on eBay and hopefully will get more on there later today, but apart from that and a quick dash out to the shops for something to eat we basically did nothing all day.

I am so hormonal at the moment...the hot flushes are unbearable, I'm shouting all the time for no reason and just can't sleep.  When will this stop?

Another 2 weeks before I see my GP for my last Zoladex injection (Yay!!!!!) and I will attempt to get some answers as to how long after this I should expect to suffer (to be fair, everyone at home is suffering with me too)

Well, that was my day.  Had a lovely chat with Mum and sister on the phone last night.  Little one continues to be the biggest chatterbox in the world, and I suppose it looks like I have the perfect life!

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